Thanks for the Warm Welcome!

Quote Originally Posted by JimOttley View Post
When you say continue your Masters Fritz do you mean at a new location or have you been in Scotland before?

Edinburgh is a wonderful cosmopolitan city I am sure you will love it if you have not been there before (particularly if you like air conditioning it's free )

Great place, wish I had spent more of my life in Edinburgh.

If you don't meet many Kababayan I am sure the Scots you meet will be very good to you, just be yourself (stay sharp though bad people are everywhere) and be open you will make friends no problem!

Actually in Edinburgh you will meet Poles, English, Scots, Americans, Japanese, Koreans, Germans, French, Indians, Pakistani's, Africans, Chinese the list is endless and I am sure there will be fellow Filipinos as well, it is a major world city, you will love it!

Welcome to the Forum sir!


Thanks for the heads up.

I did my 1st master year in Belgium and will continue my 2nd year at Heriot-Watt because the topic I wanted to specialize was there. hehe I've never been to UK before. hehehe!

