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Thread: Balikbayan visa

  1. #1
    Member neallie's Avatar
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    Balikbayan visa

    Hello guys,

    I am a British guy living in the Philippines, married to a Filipina.

    We are flying to the UK to see family and will be back in a few months time. We are under the impression as a married couple that I can apply at the port of entry for a BALIKBAYAN VISA without having an exit flight.

    Has anybody experience this?

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    Member neallie's Avatar
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    I have manage to find the answer in page 3. It must be the glasses.

    But would still be interested from somebody who recently experience it.


  3. #3
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    It is not actually a visa at all but a privilege given to ex Filipino`s and spouses of Filipino citizens. As long as you are traveling with your Mrs in tow you can request the BB stamp at immigration on arrival in R.P.. Its valid for 12 months and if you wish to stay longer then you can extend as usual for up to another 2 years I think..

  4. #4
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    BTW...If you are living here why not apply for your residence permit??? Once you get that you just need to pay an annual report fee of 300 PHP.
    A lot easier to apply now as no medical requirements needed Im told.

  5. #5
    Member neallie's Avatar
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    Thanks Fred,
    I will be applying for residence when I return its just we dont have time before we go and I was just trying to work out if I needed to book an exit ticket. It seams that as long as I dont fly Cebu Pacific I should be ok...
    Many thanks.

  6. #6
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Really you require a ticket back out when you arrive even if its only to HK.. I did this and then got a refund from Cebu Pacific which was not an easy task.. I guess you can get away with it but if they want to get difficult and stick to rules they could cause you problems you dont need.. Bahala ka!!

  7. #7
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    I am sure if you are flying with CP PA you will have to show an onward ticket from PI or they will not let you board the flight, you could print out an old ticket and change the dates beforehand.

  8. #8
    Respected Member ron's Avatar
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    Hi There i remember in 2005 having returned to the Philippines. I was now already married and at the port IN Davao international the immigration officer asked me how long would i be staying in the Philippines. I stated possibly 1 year and immediately stamped my passport as Balikbyan even though my wife was not with me. Afterwards i was wondering if the officer was looking for a big tip . I didnt. Anyway it was a surprise that i was given this . Im sure this dont happen everyday. Ron

  9. #9
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    we use to live about half of the year in Palawan and half in Hong Kong, was hit and miss on geting the 1 year balikbayan stamp, seems to depend on the mood of the officer at the time, as was said above it is a privelege rather than a rule and I always had a ticket back to HK. Cathay would not let me board at hk UNLESS I had return as they get fined by Phil authorities if they allow single ticket to a non Filipino.
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