Me and fiance are so devastated I could not believe of the result. This is a nightmare

The reason is that my fiance bank statements were overdrawn in some months and they counted how many occasions and times when he exceeded the agreed overdraft of 150 pounds They were not big amounts overdrawn and it was quickly paid off the following months. He is fully employed and we explain in the letter about the overdrawn and he's been in the Philippines visited me for 5 times in less than 2 years, surely they know that he can afford to support me and not recourse to public funds!

I am so worried its like my whole future collapse in front of me I want to be with my darling. We are going to make an appeal and submit new statements with no overdrawn. His statements are on credit since April when we applied for the visa. But my dilemma is he resign from his previous job and he got new job now. Do you think we have big chance in winning the appeal? We will submit two pay slips: from his previous and his new job, to show that he has regular income coming in.

Wish us luck guys .. and thank you for your help and advices.