Quote Originally Posted by neallie View Post
I wouldn't be surprised if you don’t class yourself as a good honest person!!

I can't believe that this forum, which is here to help and support genuine cases of need when you are openly encouraging this person by wishing her luck in obtaining entry to the UK, who has broken all the conditions of her tourist visa, defrauded the government of taxes by working cash in hand, then abused the NHS of valuable time and resources for 9 months and beyond while she had a baby then her boyfriend defrauded the social services for funds while he claimed single parent allowance, this person not only needs banning from the UK but should have been locked up with her boyfriend for tax evasion and fraud. And I bet you will make a false declaration on you application for your settlement Visa.
Although I live in the Philippines I still pay my taxes to the British Government to pay for Illegal immigrants like you to abuse the system, and If I return to the UK I am not allowed medical assistance for 6 months.....As Pete says If I was caught overstaying my Visa I would be thrown in Jail Heavily fined and deported.

More fooled to the British Government for allowing you to just go, or if you want to return making sure you have paid back the debt to the Tax payers and medical services of the UK.
Me personally, I don’t wish you luck I hope they catch up with you...
I think you'll find that nobody here is actually CONDONING any flagrant breach of immigration laws. But what's DONE is done ... and lambasting the person's irresponsible conduct publicly at this late stage, serves no useful purpose. And whilst the vast majority of us are prepared to abide by the rules, there will always be a few people tempted to circumvent the 'System' through sheer force of circumstance ... in the hope they'll "get away with it".

As one of those who have trod the arduous, anxiety-ridden path in order to LEGALLY bring my wife to the United Kingdom, it would've been so easy for me to be judgemental in cases like this one. Rightly or wrongly, however, I felt it wasn't my place to censure ... but rather to offer whatever helpful advice I could to make the best of a very difficult situation for the parties concerned and, in so doing, try to be tolerant of others' misdemeanours.