Quote Originally Posted by neallie View Post
I wouldn't be surprised if you don’t class yourself as a good honest person!!

I can't believe that this forum, which is here to help and support genuine cases of need when you are openly encouraging this person by wishing her luck in obtaining entry to the UK, who has broken all the conditions of her tourist visa, defrauded the government of taxes by working cash in hand, then abused the NHS of valuable time and resources for 9 months and beyond while she had a baby then her boyfriend defrauded the social services for funds while he claimed single parent allowance, this person not only needs banning from the UK but should have been locked up with her boyfriend for tax evasion and fraud. And I bet you will make a false declaration on you application for your settlement Visa.
Although I live in the Philippines I still pay my taxes to the British Government to pay for Illegal immigrants like you to abuse the system, and If I return to the UK I am not allowed medical assistance for 6 months.....As Pete says If I was caught overstaying my Visa I would be thrown in Jail Heavily fined and deported.

More fooled to the British Government for allowing you to just go, or if you want to return making sure you have paid back the debt to the Tax payers and medical services of the UK.
Me personally, I don’t wish you luck I hope they catch up with you...
i try not to judge people, not without knowing the fully story or having walked in their shoes. thou i don't support people who bend or break the rules, as it is unfair on those who go by the book. but the lady has asked for help, and if she gets her visa it will be becuase of immgration law not becuase of me wishing her good luck

i wish everyone good luck, life too short to be a grumpy , and before anyone starts, i'm not saying you are , but have you ever made a mistake or done something you shouldn't have and did anyone ever help you out ?

as for defrauding the gov, its ok for well paid MP's to commit fraud, but not ok for someone getting paid a few £ an hour.

anyway like it or not, she will probably get her visa, shes been out of the uk more than a year, left at her own expense.

if you want to do something, complain about how unfair the system is, why is it easier for a european living in the uk to bring their wife here, and more difficult for a brit living in their own country to bring his wife here.. and tell me if your gov ever bother replying to how unfair the system is