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  1. #1
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    monthly outgoings

    could someone advise me on how to calculate my (sponsors) monthly outgoings for the purpose of the fiance visa.

    Obviously you calcuate all your direct debits and payments, but how do you work out outgoings for general life and stuff which changes all the time.

    I've been spending more money than I could live on lately just because I've had the money to do it, so my statements dont reflect my outgoings if i were to watch what i spend. Which is what i will be doing when my fiancee comes here. Will they recognise this or should I point it out?

    Im just wondering do you just estimate what you think you could live on? and do a breakdown of this?


  2. #2
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    Yes we did the same just an estimation for the monthly outgoing but it's clearly stated to my fiance bank statement.

    maybe this thread could explain you more how to do can even find attached sample form

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  3. #3
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    hi tony,

    what my bf did was he provided the bank statement where the ECO can see that money comes in his account from his salary and there's also bills being credited from his account. We didn't submit a document showing a breakdown of his expenses as this has been shown already in the bank statements that we submitted.

    maybe some of the members here can also share their experience on submitting such?

    hope that helps and good luck to you.

  4. #4
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Hi tony,

    I didn't submit a breakdown of expenses because it is shown on the bank statement...just the latest 6 months bank statement. The ins and outs are reflected in there. What is important i guess is the flow....and the balance...

    Some members may also share their experiences on how they have completed the required documents.

    Best of luck.

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  5. #5
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    Hi I am just learning more this, and I am curious. Do they check your credit rating?Is this taken into consideration?
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  6. #6
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gary2jessica View Post
    Hi I am just learning more this, and I am curious. Do they check your credit rating?Is this taken into consideration?
    Hi Gary&Jessica,

    I don't think the Home Office have any interest in your credit rating, as long as the past six months bank statements show that there is sufficient income to support you and your fiancee, without any recourse to state benefits. There are lots of well-off people who have a poor credit rating because of missed bills or county court judgements against them in the past. It would probably be illegal for the Home Office to make decisions based on this - also credit searches are expensive and they hate spending money unnecessarily.
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  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gary2jessica View Post
    Do they check your credit rating?Is this taken into consideration?
    no i don't think they do, but maybe they should, then they will know what loans and debts you have, and give the case worker a better idea if you can support yourself, never mind your wife

  8. #8
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    thanks for the replys.

    my issue is the last 3 months ive been kind of living it up and so my statements aren't a reflection of the amount i could live on if i budget. and before that i was living abroad.

    if i do an expenses breakdown of only my 'necessary' monthly outgoings it wont look like any of my statements.

    it should be ok though because Ive got plenty of savings. and i havnt spent more that ive earnt each month. its just that i havn't saved the amount ive worked out as 'disposible' with which to support my fiancee either. if that makes sense.

    so i was wondering if this is something i should explain in my letter?

    any thoughts?


  9. #9
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    there is no fixed amount that you need a week or a month to support your partner, but coming from appeal cases, some judges have mentioned as a guide the minimum of around a £100wk after you've paid your rent and community charge (basically what you would get claiming basic job seekers allowence - a figure used by the gov for someone to 'survive on') so some judges use that as a minimum guide, as the gov dont give a minimum figure.

    but you want your disposible income to look as good as possible, so you will have to mention all the D/Ds on your bank statements and try to make your figure realistic without going over the top making it look like your saving 90% of your wage every month , so why haven't you got £10k in savings

  10. #10
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    so on the form where it says...'how much does your sponsor spend on living costs per month', do i put how much i could live on, or how much i have actually been spending? because most of the money ive spent lately hasn't been necessary.

    whats the definition of 'living costs'?


  11. #11
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony rome View Post
    so on the form where it says...'how much does your sponsor spend on living costs per month', do i put how much i could live on, or how much i have actually been spending? because most of the money ive spent lately hasn't been necessary.

    whats the definition of 'living costs'?

    Living costs is your monthly expenses. That represents the house mortgage, the council tax, electric, telephone, water bills, tv lic.... etc etc.
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  12. #12
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    It is a good idea to break it all down on a spreadsheet. But if you are not used to using them, downloading a pre-existing and pre-coded spreadsheet will help.

    I am now trying to live by one of these spreadsheets as previously I was not saving any money at all, despite having the income and the ability to do so. But now I also have a reason to save and give in to the temptations of a new ipod/Digicam or whatever.

    Also, we can not live like robots. I calculate at least £50 a month for me to fritter away, for those times when friends call and ask if I am doing anything that evening. So at least I am budgeting for everything...

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