Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
I am thinking that this is just a simple issue and can resolve easily by saying sorry.

LadyJ, the queen was upset when she got a red blub thingy. I know exactly her feeling although I'm not into reps, but I also felt bad when
I received red blob from other members. The fact is, they were thinking I was the one who gives them the red blub and their focus was me and I was the target for revenge. That made me feel upset. I am thankful, one member PM me and admitted she gave me one and we sorted it privately.

Queebee, I am sure you can easily forget the past. We are one happy family here they say and I agree so come on, smile is the best medicines if you want to stay sexy and beatiful. Any CAPSlock problem with your PC? Use MS Office Word 2007, there's a magic there to make capital letters into small one. SMILE!

It's up to you beautiful ladies! but for me sorry is not a deduction to our beauty but a plus to our inner beauty. Eheheheh batibati na.

I'm just Penny
Love you penny dear!i can easily forget thats Why me just shut ma mouth since ive said ma piece already...There's no reason to make it an issue..It's the past...
im using macbook,not real familiar With What to type to change the big ones to small letters,me not computer nerd,,,hehe