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Thread: Some advice please on evidence?

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  1. #1
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    Some advice please on evidence?

    Hi Guy's,

    Although still not gotten to Cebu yet I thought it prudent to plan ahead and start collecting evidence of my relationship with Rizza!

    So today after an hour and a half telephone call I emailed the call duration to myself (great things these blackberry gizmos) and will do so in the future. I have proof of every single text message I have ever sent to Rizza via my telephone bills and will collect these too, and as they are online I can print them neatly into a straight forward file for producing as evidence - or Rizza can!

    And Yahoo Messenger is keeping all of the conversations recorded (but on the odd occasion my Wi-Fi was down so I used a local internet cafe, so those are not recorded), and I can easily transfer them into word or whatever for easier transcribing.

    However, I am puzzled. Is it likely the UK authorities/Embassy staff will want to see a transcript of every Yahoo messenger conversation? Or evidence of the text messages content?

    I'm preparing now so I do not have to spend a lot of time compiling evidence next year, I will just simply file it as we go.

  2. #2
    Respected Member Ji&Ma's Avatar
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    Hi Sean, about YM - no need to supply them with full transcripts of your every single chat, just do screenshots of "YM archive" with overview of conversations and fully print just some of them as examples - try to print out the ones where you have been discussing something important (your visit, arrangements for the future, living together etc.). ECO aren't too keen to go through big heap of the evidence anyway, so make it bit easier for them.
    At least that is what we did - and no problem.
    Good luck
    Jiri & Maricel

  3. #3
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    So a covering letter (the letter of sponsorship) along with evidence covering timescales, costs and such should be sufficient? Plus a dip check of some of our shorter conversaions... As sometimes we can rattle on for hours

    Thanks for the info J&M

  4. #4
    Respected Member Ji&Ma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post
    So a covering letter (the letter of sponsorship) along with evidence covering timescales, costs and such should be sufficient? Plus a dip check of some of our shorter conversaions... As sometimes we can rattle on for hours

    Thanks for the info J&M
    You are very welcomed and no worries - we've been more or less the same - just bantering about nothing for hours

    Documents we supplied with our fiancee visa application:

    - letter of support including our plans for future and short finance breakdown (income, my monthly payments etc.)
    - more than 6 months bank statements
    - my payslips + P60
    - letter from my employer
    - "true" copy of my passport (ID page + all stamped pages)
    - tennancy agreement + letter of approval from my landlord
    - schematic plan of the house with measurements and areas (sq. ft) of rooms
    - evidence that we met = photos together, bills from hotels, airline tickets etc.
    - evidence that we are in contact - daily contact in our case (screenshots of YM archive page + some of our chats in full)
    - Maricels birth certificate + CENOMAR
    - evidence of her employment

    and obviously all other stuff required - as on VFS checklist (find the relevant one)...
    Hope it is all and I didn't omitted anything
    Jiri & Maricel

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ji&Ma View Post
    You are very welcomed and no worries - we've been more or less the same - just bantering about nothing for hours

    Documents we supplied with our fiancee visa application:

    - letter of support including our plans for future and short finance breakdown (income, my monthly payments etc.)
    - more than 6 months bank statements
    - my payslips + P60
    - letter from my employer
    - "true" copy of my passport (ID page + all stamped pages)
    - tennancy agreement + letter of approval from my landlord
    - schematic plan of the house with measurements and areas (sq. ft) of rooms
    - evidence that we met = photos together, bills from hotels, airline tickets etc.
    - evidence that we are in contact - daily contact in our case (screenshots of YM archive page + some of our chats in full)
    - Maricels birth certificate + CENOMAR
    - evidence of her employment

    and obviously all other stuff required - as on VFS checklist (find the relevant one)...
    Hope it is all and I didn't omitted anything
    Thanks for the list, pretty much what I thought as well. My company has now decided to issue all payslips and p60s via the company intranet in pdf formats, so maybe I can send these to Rizza to print and store as time goes on.

    And come october/november I plan to build up a little stash of receipts with the two of us listed.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    whoa! seems like you are pretty sure about Rizza eh?

    Good for you! just keep on researching this website... I got my docs ready with the help of the threads here about documentation..

    Good luck!

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