Hi Guy's,
Although still not gotten to Cebu yet I thought it prudent to plan ahead and start collecting evidence of my relationship with Rizza!
So today after an hour and a half telephone call I emailed the call duration to myself (great things these blackberry gizmos) and will do so in the future. I have proof of every single text message I have ever sent to Rizza via my telephone bills and will collect these too, and as they are online I can print them neatly into a straight forward file for producing as evidence - or Rizza can!
And Yahoo Messenger is keeping all of the conversations recorded (but on the odd occasion my Wi-Fi was down so I used a local internet cafe, so those are not recorded), and I can easily transfer them into word or whatever for easier transcribing.
However, I am puzzled. Is it likely the UK authorities/Embassy staff will want to see a transcript of every Yahoo messenger conversation? Or evidence of the text messages content?
I'm preparing now so I do not have to spend a lot of time compiling evidence next year, I will just simply file it as we go.