based from my experience when i was first denied, i looked at the name of the eco who made the decision, i asked politely if i could speak to him and asked him what else can i do for him to reconsider my case. he told me the things i have got to do. he gave me a number to call when i got all the docs and i called him every now and then. they gave me 7 days to come up with the docs they required but unfortunately i couldn't really make it. so in the end we have to go thru the appeal process (joebloggs have mentioned it) but i ran out of time again. so in the end i have to file another application was turned down again but we insisted that my case should be dealt by the higher eco (which they did) and the decision was overturned.
if i were you i would ask them nicely (the embassy staff) if it's possible that they reconsider it in light of the new evidence(s) you got. present it neatly with covering letter, make sure you could prove that you got the sole responsibility, explain why you didn't included the fathers' whereabouts and fingers cross you'll be fine. chin up i am now british citizen despite of 2 denials, i am sure you can overcome this. keep us posted and good luck.