Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
your wife must have been given parental authority by the court when her marriage was annulled ?

did the embassy interview the kids ?

if i was you i would appeal like Iain has said,

and provide evidence your wife has custody of the kids.

provide evidence of where their father is, so they can contact him. - did the father mention he doesn't support them financially or has little or no say in their upbringing ?

evidence of 'sole responsibilty' - http://www.gherson.com/News/Sole-Res...in-the-UK.aspx

does your wife have school bills?, a letter from the principal of their school stating your wife is the one who pays the bills, attends parents evenings etc,
medical bills for them ? evidence that your wife provides for them financially and is responsible for their upbringing..

i'm sure if you can get this evidence your app could be reconsidered, if not as Iain has said, i think to, you would win an appeal, but you dont want to wait upto 8 months without her kids.

seek some expert advice to from your local law centre, cab, or http://www.iasuk.org/home.aspx
sory to interupt Sir Joe. Im also bit of situation here have a daughter from previous relationship and wnt to bring her and apply togther with me spouse visa,,soon i got no idea to where is her father now .and im not married to him before i meet my english husband..the fathers name of my daugther dont appear on her BC as well. do you think embasy wil ask more evedence on that..i got no contact of him since i give birth of my daughter since last 2003 now she is 5 years old..
not a problem with my 2 other kids from my english husband as i can apply ther passort right away..yes?
am just bit awkward to my child from pervious relationshi but i assure i have all my responsibilty for her since i work for her since and then meet my husband and we got now own kids

and what more evidnce i could show as "sole responsibilty" for her..sorry if i bit top slow on this matter i just really to clear up my mind before we apply. no ppoint to apply and on the end being refuse because we dont know the matter

please any advice will be great help