thanks scottishbride! i applied for spouse visa. Im sure lot would post a positive result within ths week...its quick! i dont know if its the spirt of coming christmas?hehehe
thanks again!
Thanks for the quick reply. Hope I'll get mine soon, I submitted my application 28th August. Once again, Congrats! I am sure you are in the cloud nine!
Thanks for the quick reply. Hope I'll get mine soon, I submitted my application 28th August. Once again, Congrats! I am sure you are in the cloud nine!
lol yes!!! oh dont worry u are next in line! im sure
Congratulations. Where are you going to live when you come to the UK?
Louella & Iain.
Thank you very much IainBusy! my husband lives in Tooting, London England.Im so excited to be with him, after all the waiting and all i cant wait to be with my loving hubby.