Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post
So a covering letter (the letter of sponsorship) along with evidence covering timescales, costs and such should be sufficient? Plus a dip check of some of our shorter conversaions... As sometimes we can rattle on for hours

Thanks for the info J&M
You are very welcomed and no worries - we've been more or less the same - just bantering about nothing for hours

Documents we supplied with our fiancee visa application:

- letter of support including our plans for future and short finance breakdown (income, my monthly payments etc.)
- more than 6 months bank statements
- my payslips + P60
- letter from my employer
- "true" copy of my passport (ID page + all stamped pages)
- tennancy agreement + letter of approval from my landlord
- schematic plan of the house with measurements and areas (sq. ft) of rooms
- evidence that we met = photos together, bills from hotels, airline tickets etc.
- evidence that we are in contact - daily contact in our case (screenshots of YM archive page + some of our chats in full)
- Maricels birth certificate + CENOMAR
- evidence of her employment

and obviously all other stuff required - as on VFS checklist (find the relevant one)...
Hope it is all and I didn't omitted anything