Our royal family would probably pimp her corpse out to necrophyliacs to fund their lavish spending. They're pretty pointless and disgusting really
Our royal family would probably pimp her corpse out to necrophyliacs to fund their lavish spending. They're pretty pointless and disgusting really
One of the very few real British "Enterprises" that actually bring in real tangible income into this Godforsaken country, for, comparatively, very little cost, is ungratefully slagged off and insulted...
Off with thy head....
I share the feeling...
I'm not getting into an argument with an obvious loyalist and a guy who just doesn't like me. The only benefit they have is a bit of tourism, but that's debatable since I doubt many people come to England purely for the monarchy, its just one of several things. People don't just go to Rome for the Coliseum, or Paris for the Eiffel tower. I despise them for spending our taxes on private jets, elaborate parties, personal bodyguards to people 20 places away from the throne. Its an utter disgrace
It was clearly a joke, I have a dry sense of humour and said it to prove a point....people really need to lighten up
Oh and dedworth, looking at some of your older posts in the sports forum especially, I wouldn't band the term "purile" about too regularly
You're not a Brit? Where are you from, if you don't mind me asking?
Your location says you live in Wales, if you've ever paid taxes in the UK (which i'm assuming you have), then you've directly contributed to their private jets, bodyguards, mansions, etc. Does it not infuriate you that part of your hard earned cash is going to Prince Andrew and his family? Do Japanese tourists say to themselves...."wow, I'd really love to go to the UK to see Prince Andrew" ?
I will say, fair play to William and Harry...they seem decent. But the Queens kids are just a bunch of freeloading sponges.
dedworth doesn't like meIts ok, some people don't like my sense of humour and bluntness, and you can't be friends with everybody
So conjuring up some bizarre deviant behaviour and aligning it to the Royal Family is a dry sense of humour joke ?
I'm no great Royalist but your vocabulary of disgrace, disgust, despise smacks of deep pathological hatred. I'd rather the fiver a year or whatever of my taxes that go to the Royals than the untold zillions this corrupt excuse of a government lavish on themselves, asylum seekers, law breakers, consultants, political advisors, spin merchants to name but a few
Peoples Democracies are thankfully few and far between nowadays but maybe emigrating to Cuba or North Korea might satisfy your Power to The People urges![]()
Peoples democracies? You seem a little confused as to who actually runs the country
The queen has ONE power, to dissolve government
The government has every other single power to do anything else
I hate the monarchy, you clearly hate the government
I think you're the one who needs a peoples democracy
Yes indeed, I totally agree with you. We could of course rise up, detain the lot... hangers on and all.
We could execute them one at a time, Bank Holidays would be a good moment. It could be done in Wembley Stadium, tickets and television rights could be sold. Maybe a tie up with the National Lottery, gamble on the number of strokes it takes for the executioner to chop off Harry's head etc...
On a lighter note….
My favourite comments from the Queen Mum’s Book of Remembrance
Gawd rest her soul
"When Diana died I swore I would never smile again, but eventually I did. Now the Queen Mum has gone I cannot image that I will ever smile for the rest of my life, but I will probably break that one too".
"I thought she would never die, she has let us all down very badly"
"She was a trooper and she never gave up. I remember one time she was visiting a school and I asked her if she would like to make a visit to the cloakroom before she left. 'No' she replied, 'I didn't give in to the Nazis and I won't give in to the bladder'. That's how she was, a fighter, who refused to be beaten by anything. She pissed herself later though, it was sickening".
"I remember she came to visit us in the East End one time. She was so kind, so generous and so sweet. She whispered softly in my ear, 'You know its not true' she said, 'you don't smell of ****'. She was a wondrous person".
More ….
No man is an island, but Barry is
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