Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
One of the very few real British "Enterprises" that actually bring in real tangible income into this Godforsaken country, for, comparatively, very little cost, is ungratefully slagged off and insulted...

Off with thy head....

I share the feeling...
I'm not getting into an argument with an obvious loyalist and a guy who just doesn't like me. The only benefit they have is a bit of tourism, but that's debatable since I doubt many people come to England purely for the monarchy, its just one of several things. People don't just go to Rome for the Coliseum, or Paris for the Eiffel tower. I despise them for spending our taxes on private jets, elaborate parties, personal bodyguards to people 20 places away from the throne. Its an utter disgrace

It was clearly a joke, I have a dry sense of humour and said it to prove a point....people really need to lighten up

Oh and dedworth, looking at some of your older posts in the sports forum especially, I wouldn't band the term "purile" about too regularly