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Thread: Queen Mother!!!

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  1. #1
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt7 View Post
    You're not a Brit? Where are you from, if you don't mind me asking?

    Your location says you live in Wales, if you've ever paid taxes in the UK (which i'm assuming you have), then you've directly contributed to their private jets, bodyguards, mansions, etc. Does it not infuriate you that part of your hard earned cash is going to Prince Andrew and his family? Do Japanese tourists say to themselves...."wow, I'd really love to go to the UK to see Prince Andrew" ?

    I will say, fair play to William and Harry...they seem decent. But the Queens kids are just a bunch of freeloading sponges.

    dedworth doesn't like me Its ok, some people don't like my sense of humour and bluntness, and you can't be friends with everybody
    Just shows you how pathetic some people can be, happily fill the car up with petrol giving Gordon about 70% tax, and yet begrudges paying less than £1 a year to support something we are renowned around the world for, with the majority of countries being jealous.

    The Royal Family dealings do not just bring in £Millions to this country in revenue, but such things as Knighthoods to folk who run companies help busineses get new contracts bringing in more £Millions.

    Your a worst economist than Gordon Brown
    Keith - Administrator

  2. #2
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    begrudges paying less than £1 a year to support something we are renowned around the world for, with the majority of countries being jealous.

    The Royal Family dealings do not just bring in £Millions to this country in revenue, but such things as Knighthoods to folk who run companies help busineses get new contracts bringing in more £Millions.
    just a pound a year? isnt that a pound from everyone

    considering we give them a millionares lifestyle,its only proper that they do something in return.

    how many companies have been run by knighted folk and ended up being cocked up,me thinks appointing them isnt such a good idea
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  3. #3
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    how many companies have been run by knighted folk and ended up being cocked up,me thinks appointing them isnt such a good idea
    They'll be the ones selected by the government, they are allowed to include a % of selections, for purposes of bribery....allegedly
    Keith - Administrator

  4. #4
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    Because of their blood line, they live in a goldfish bowl, 24 x 7, our Queen has worked unfailingly for this country for 56 years or more, she deserves respect, Charles has worked extremely hard as well, Andrew fought in the Falklands and put his life on the line, Charles' kids are trying their best to earn the respect of the people but they are little more than kids and make mistakes in life.

    Envy them? I pity them, the average punter in the street gets more privicy and life than a royal.

    Yes the more remote royals get a reasonable amount of privicy these days and yes they are mostly pretty well off but so what, there are a lot of well off people in the UK that have better lives!


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