Quote Originally Posted by triple5 View Post
but it aint right
Matter of opinion. The fact that a simple joke about the Thai king could get you in very serious trouble in Thailand or get your website banned from that country is nothing to sing the praise of! We have a right in this country that we should learn to respect, even if it means hearing things we do not like.

I will happily debate people on matters like the monachy or religion or whatever, because I can! And if I say something offending towards them in the process, then so be it

We already live in too much of a nanny state as it is without giving up any more of our rights to political correctness. Matt has every right to say what he does about the monachy and in many ways I respect him for saying so. I too dislike the notion of what they stand for, but understand that they pay for themselves many times over with the boost to our economy through tourism. And yes, perhaps that is debatable