Well done Gordon Brown, you finally managed to say the word "Cuts". See?! It wasn't too hard was it?!Now, how about another word: "Election"
Well done Gordon Brown, you finally managed to say the word "Cuts". See?! It wasn't too hard was it?!Now, how about another word: "Election"
I doubt he'll be the leader come the election, reckon he'll be out in January.
Keith - Administrator
yeah,,...cut the visa fees...that wud be cool and the taxes too...lol
No such luck.. He's cutting spending, in other words "public services". Think they just realized that after cutting VAT but having shed loads more people claiming benefits, spending needs to take a kicking too!
Shame our dear leaders don't take a pay cut to show how they too are willing to suffer like the rest of us![]()
Will that mn getting rid of some of the managers in the NHS? You know the ones, a manager for every 3 nurses!!!
Keith - Administrator
Tories would obviously increase spending to pay back the debt
Theres only one way to settle this argument: Vote the Tories into power, then if it all goes Pete Tong and your proved right, we can always bring back Gordon Brown 5 years later![]()
The other option is David Cameron-lite Nick Clegg and his wishy washy liberals...
We're doomed I tell you, doomed.![]()
Or maybe Emporor PalpatineI mean Mandleson might rig the election so Gordon gets another 5 years to infuriate the Tories with
Nick Clegg needs to do something way off field to even stand a chance. I think he should come out as a pro legalisation of canabis. Not that I smoke it, actually I don't.. But if he did that, all the scallies in the UK would sign up to vote tomorrow. And hey presto.. Liberals get to run the country![]()
The Tories don't have a choice when it comes to cuts, the country is virtually bankrupt thanks to Labour, and we have nearly as many managers in the civil service these days as front line staff!! ...and I've always voted Labour....not next time though....I'm giving them a kick for putting Limited company tax up to that of self employed, which now makes it a waste of time self-employed going limited.
Keith - Administrator
Public services are from my experience run with way to many staff and the chances of any public body negotiating a good deal seems to be rare.
As I have mentioned on here before many of our sales people in the company i work for love to work in Goverment sales here in the UK as the margins are always good and often the idiots almost put the prices up themsleves
Most of these public bodies seem to also lock themsleves into long term deals with private companies which means cuts will need to be found elsewhere ie employees, bulidings etc
I do want to add loads of good people in Public bodies across the country working hard to look after the community and i hope they are the ones who survive problem is the ones who look after themseleves ie the ones who allow so much waste so they get the free jollys and back handerswill be the ones who are slimey enough to survive.
Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops
For every manager in the NHS they could put another two people on the front line.
Keith - Administrator
Thats true from the little i have seen few managment on the front line but way way up the chain there do seem to be a lot of people involved in all decisions such as purchasing etc with strange titles and normally in very shiny offices and enjoy entertaining (only going my london and the surrounding area hospitals) the offices which make things tick from what i have seen are badly setup not well maintained yet from the little i see have loads of money lavished on them well so say the project paperwork i see.
Alot of the devices and systems which huge amounts are lavished on never work or never used to there full potential
IE the money and costs are sucked up by the wrong people and departments![]()
Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops
Hmmm. Nick Clegg and Tory Boy Cameron are having a macho debate about who can be more brutal in cutting public expenditure. Labour finds it hard to make cuts but knows its got to be done.
The implication is that public servants and their customers (school kids, the sick, etc.) must pay for the damage caused by the banks. In my view, we all share the blame fror the credit crunch and we should all pay - don't scapegoat those least able to resist, put up taxes instead.
But theres no votes in saying that, so I guess the weakest will pay for the banking crisis. Caused by greedy bankers and home owners.
...and how would I be to blame? I don't have any credit, I pay a lot of money each year just to deposit and withdraw from my business bank account. I don't involve myself with any bank investments I do all my own stock, and trading on Forex. Not everyone is stupid enough to get into debt
Keith - Administrator
Redundancy - Start your own business. Easy, you can do it in a day. I do, phone card site took me 2 hours.
Illness - I'mcrippled, and bed ridden some days, in pain a lot every day and still do my work without fail. Illness does not stop you from earning money, the individual uses it as an excuse. How much does Stephen Hawkings make?
Divorce - Mine cost about £100![]()
Keith - Administrator
But was it just bankers a big chunk of country seemed to be living off of credit of thinking they were far richer than they actually were.
But one issue in the public sector in the small cross section i have seen is its sheer inefficency both from managment and indivudal workers.
Its not training as many seem to have far much more training than in the private sector its not resources as i mentioned above public sector when comparing equivalent size organsations will spend far more on equipment and have far more higher staffing levels.
Just cutting back money put in is not the answer. Look at the hospital where the manager brought in from industry wondered why surgeries were only used during the day. They changed things so they were used 24 hours a day and rearranged shifts so waiting lists were cut.
Why are doctors surgeries on the whole 9-5 monday to friday? We have public bulidings and faclities which are costing us a fortune to run which only used for less than 50 percent of the day.
Of course staff want unsocial hours supplments but if the faclities were used more efficently.
Some NHS managers I know socially, said a few years back they suggested ideas like sms and emails to remind people to confirm appoitments but were told dont bother due to data protection issues or some sort of rubbish!
They ran a trial in the few weeks they did it the amount of missed appointments droped dramtically either people remebering the right time (we all forget or lose the note we get) or actually replied saying i need to cancel/rearrange. The outlay was minimal compared to the returns, but had to stop as managment said great idea but we cant afford the risk we may get a complaint
Another thing is why does the NHS not play on it status?
For example my Company and many others allow staff to volunteer at schools and on projects. Wheter its helping to tidy up or create new faclities or using there knowhow.
Many of our staff act as teachers in after hours clubs and as mentors. We have helped act as unpaid consultants on networking and I.T. We have had our back offices lend schools near our various regional offices with accounting etc. Our company gains from this as does the community and the tax payer.
The big bug bear which stops most people helping is the relentless amount of checks for each place
While none of us mind being checked out, we have to be any way for our workplace. But we need a national security clerance system.
At present im crb checked by two indivudal education authorities, for work i had to have checks for three different police forces for when we go on visits and for MI5 in case i visit there plus further checks for other goverment departments and the royal palaces![]()
If we had a central organsation which did this surely on behalf of all these goverment bodies it might save a lot of costs and make it easier to get more volunteers?
Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops
NB By international standards the NHS is undermanaged, with the result that front line workers are bogged down with minor management tasks. It might seem strange, but perhaps the NHS needs more managers to make the doctors lives easier.
Ah, but have you seen the amount of red tape and paperwork all staff have to cope with, not just in the NHS, but the police and fire service as well. The one about the police is well known - not sure if it was 10 pieces of paper to fill in for every incident or something like that? In this day and age of computers, why the need to fill out form and form only to be filed away into oblivion and probably never looked at again? I run a payroll for a small cafe, and its done entirely online, we literally have no paperwork bar payslips and P60's, even HMRC send tax coding notices via the internet, and our yearly returns are sent by electronic methods.
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