Nobody's blaming you, mate!

On the contrary, MOST - if not all - of us British males on this site, found ourselves "bowled-over" by or, as you say, under the "hypnotic influence" of our Filipina mahals.
It was certainly a NEW experience to me too. I'm also retired and, after 16 long years of widowhood - followed by quite a few

[shall we say?] 'casual' dalliances' - I had been perfectly content to drift gracefully into old age without feeling any real need to "settle down" for a second time ... or so I imagined ...
... until "fate" (call it what you will) decreed otherwise when, in September 2007, I began corresponding with a schoolteacher from the southern island of Mindinao. And, suddenly, my sagging spirits were rejuvenated. But that's not all! A year later, I visited her not once ... but TWICE, in as many months and, on the second occasion, we were married in the Phils. That was last December, and she's been here in the UK since March.
Just goes to show that people of our age should never consider ourselves as being too old, eh? Welcome, my friend ... I wish you well in your new-found happiness.