Filipinos are a very friendly people in my experience. And the hospitality and warmth of welcome I received from Myrna's relatives during my first visit of 3 weeks ... and again, throughout my subsequent three months' stay, was second to none. Youngsters too, seem on the whole, to be a great deal more respectful of their elders, it has to be said.
But, for all that, there's nowhere else I'd really want to settle,

other than the country in which I was born, and where I've lived all my life. The UK has its faults - there's no disputing the fact - but free health care here, is available to all, regardless of financial status, and I for one have every reason to be grateful to the NHS - which has been around for almost as long as I can remember.

Besides - and probably above all else - my immediate family all stay within reasonable travelling distance.
Last, but not least, the climate [apart from the incessant wind, rain and (occasional) winter snow] is more amenable to my lifestyle than the perpetual humidity of the Phils. And English food is much more in keeping with my taste.
So for ME it's

Always HAS been, and always WILL be!