i don't know why everyone is getting worked up about it so much,it is the same for both teams out there.if man city had scored a late,late winner then there would have been a lot of smiley icons on heresometimes it works in your teams favour some times not.i worry that if we go down the routse of extra officials,more cameras,precision time keping by an atomic clock etc etc it will end up like bloody american sports with more breaks and stoppages than action.the game is still thrilling and yes if man utd had lost to a late goal i would have been gutted but thats what the whole game is about hi-s and low-s.it's never going to be a game of exact science and mistakes have been made but i think that adds to the randomness of the game.there are many instances where the wrond decisions have been made by refs which have benefited all the teams we support on here-we have all won and lost some but i still think unless you want to alter the game we love with all i mentioned before then it will take something away from the game which has been there from the beginning-human error.we may not have won the world cup in 66 without it!