Hereīs "our story" regarding supporting our family...

When i courted my darling (sheīs my wife for 3.5 yrs now) i told her i canīt and wonīt support her whole family but agree to "occasionally" support them if real need arises (i already knew the "tricks" some philippine families use when pretending they need support - even if itīs not the case...)

Before my wife arrived here (Germany) we made an "arrangement" regarding family support as she still felt obliged to support her sisterīs education as a nurse.
My wife supported her family from the beginning when she worked in HKG as a domestic helper ...
Now, sister was in the final stage anyway
I agreed to help out for the limited time.
So, we sent reasonable money until she passed her exam.
Then we stopped support the family except for (really!) only occasional small amounts to my mother in-law (i am up-to-date on her financial status to be able to judge)
In between my brother in-law (first officer on a domestic ship) wanted to further educate to be able to apply for recruitment on foreign shipping companies. We agreed to pay the school and exam fees. But we made an agreement to transfer money in stages (only sending the next "installment" after he shows proof of passing the actual test ...
(this to make sure we wonīt pay a lot of money thatīs finally not used completely for what itīs intended for)
The whole family was aware of this !!!
But after finishing the first stage (already 1 yr ago) he failed to provide us with the certificate of the passed exam ...
So, my wife (and me) decided no further support !

Mrs MHG said: Now the family has no reason to complain that we donīt send any further money. They either sort it out themselves or no more support !

Until now we only sent money to mum once !!! And ??? NO COMPLAINTS so far !