Hi guys, just looking for a bit of advice please
Background: My girlfriend lives and works in Siingapore, she has been seperated for over 2 years from her husband. She has paid a lawyer in Phil to get her annulment, cash up front. He told her to go back to Phil from Singapore last week for a hearing but after she shelled out to go back to Phil, there was no hearing. He keeps lying about everything and seems to have done nothing in the 2 years since he was paid towards her annulment. She is devestated after going back to find this. She has now gone back to Singapore not knowing how to go forward. She is thinking of getting another lawyer, but how does she find a good one, or get the old one to do the work she paid for.
Any advice on how she should go about this would be great. I did contact the Phil embassy in London, who suggested she contact the embassy on Singapore, I don't know what else I can do.
Please help