Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
i thought it was...

but from http://ukinlatvia.fco.gov.uk/en/pass...passports-move

Is it illegal to send a passport across borders?

Not at all. Sending passports across borders is standard practice elsewhere - a large number of our passport issuing posts process applications from neighbouring countries. This practice is also common in other countries: Australia, Canada, the USA and most of our EU partners process passports across country borders. For example, all US passport applications overseas are sent back to the USA. The latest passport application form no longer sates that "you must be in the country where this application is being made".

anyway i wouldn't incase it got lost. you should be ok with a copy certifed by a solicitor

Ah sorry if I was wrong on that I was told that I wasn't allowed to send my passport as its illegal, I wouldnt want to risk it anyway and got mine certified by my solicitor.