Quote Originally Posted by mikemallorca View Post
The country is run by a few big families, who suck the life blood out of the filipinos

Quote Originally Posted by gary2jessica View Post
Ok this is off-topic but at this time, we are glad the government did something good and helped the people.

Why wait till now to complain that people have nothing. Just because of the storm? Before or after the storm, things will stay the same unless Filipinos build the government they want. It is a complex situation many money is owed to other governments though.

Marcos is alive and well and living in Taguig. Get your money back from her lavish apartments. Sell it all. Have a revolution.The church is too powerful there too. I often wonder how much influence they have on laws like lowest age to have sex is 12. What on earth is right with that?
I think that's the only thing that will ever really change things in the Philippines. As Mike said, the majority of the wealth and power in the Philippines is in the hands of a few families and on top of that, the power that the catholic church weilds within the state is also to the detriment of Filipinos in general.
