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Thread: Filipino restaurant in earls court

  1. #1
    Respected Member Doc898's Avatar
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    Filipino restaurant in earls court

    The other day,i went to london with my husband to get my schengen visa at the French embassy. After 3 hours of sitting and waiting for my passport, we decided to look for the filipino restaurant in earl's court. We eventually found it after asking few people. We popped-in at the filipino store first to buy some packets of mama sita's instant adobo, then we went to the filipino restaurant just across the store for dinner. We thought it will be a treat, regardless of how much it will cost us but, we we're both very disappointed with the food that we ordered. The lechon paksiw is so bland in flavor and very oily.The stir-fry doesn't taste any good. We paid £25 for the foods we ordered, and didn't even finished half of it. The only thing that we enjoyed was the buko juice in can (made in thailand!).The place itself has an ambiance of a typical-ordinary-restaurant that you see in the streets of Manila. Once you get in, you can smell the familiar aroma, the television (the filipino channel) was at maximum volume, the filipinas are laughing and talking so loudly including the waitress/cashier herself. A european lady went in and started to look at the menu, after 5 mins, she told the waitress that if she could turn the volume of the telly down, she'll stay for dinner. The waitress said she can't coz her friends are watching the TV Patrol! The lady just stood up and went off! My hubby and i looked at each other and decided to leave the place as well. I stand and waited for about 5 mins standing at the counter to pay because the cashier went inside the kitchen,i don't know if she went to the toilet or something, since she knew that im already there and waiting for her to get our bill but she didn't even bother. We'll definitely not going back there again. So for those who would like to try it, give it a shot and you'll know what im saying. Anyway, I apologize for those who like the place, maybe my husband and i are just very fussy people and we're expecting a lot from it.
    Worry is like a rocking chair;It gives you something to do,but it doesn't get you anywhere!

  2. #2
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    Oh doc i was expecting something nice in that place very much,hmmm they dont have the roasted pig itself? coz most i've heard is only lechon paksiw
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  3. #3
    andypaul's Avatar
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    london well away from those people up norf
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    My Wife went there with me when she first came over and had kare kare which was made so im told with peanut butter and not the correct way. I had beefsteak which was ok.

    I would not travel far to go there others have told me some of the food is better than other dishes.

    I think it was more for the feeling of its in phill, more than the quality of the food that my Wife might pop in with friends while shopping up there. But they are more likely to go to one of the chinese resturants along the earls court high road.

  4. #4
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    I think the restaurants in earls court are just like ones in philippines.

    except 10 times more expensive

  5. #5
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baboyako View Post
    I think the restaurants in earls court are just like ones in philippines.
    I think your talking bout Carenderia

    Try CAFE LAGUNA they served all filipino foods
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  6. #6
    Respected Member Doc898's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baboyako View Post
    I think the restaurants in earls court are just like ones in philippines.

    except 10 times more expensive
    There are much nicer restaurants in Philippines esp. in makati area...and it's worth every penny even if it's a bit expensive. In some provinces, maybe i'll expect something like the ones in earls court...
    Apart from having a crappy food, you'll feel sick after paying a dear price for unfinished food!
    Worry is like a rocking chair;It gives you something to do,but it doesn't get you anywhere!

  7. #7
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I feel sick after finished food if I'm in McDonald's
    Keith - Administrator

  8. #8
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    To be honest,I was surprised when you said that you paid for that so called "food"..
    Best to just tell them what you think of it, send it back and leave.
    Just my opinion.

  9. #9
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    By the way..If you like real quality native Filipino nosh whilst in Manila and you dont mind paying a little over the odds I highly recommend Kamayan native restaurant (532 Padre Faura Street). It first opened its doors in 1977.
    Hmmm...This post has made me hungry...

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