Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
Here we go again, Labour had 13 years to sort it out, so why haven't they? Ah yeah, blame the last government, you know the one from 1997. It doesn't wash anymore, they are all as useless as each other.
Because they had already conceeded the argument to to the Tories before they even got in and they weren't about to change anything as they thought the Tories had proved that it all worked.

Some things belong in public hands, I worked for the SSEB (Scottish Power) in the mid 80's it was extremely well run, huge uptime massive generation capacity and grid management that was the envy of the entire country.

We were overpaid underworked and didn't know how lucky we were (some of us anyway) but the privatised replacement was never a better solution as power supply needs long term thinking and the free market (for power at least) always thinks short term.

Just wait in 5 or 6 years time, we will start getting the kind of brownouts they get get in Manila :(

Short sighted short term gains not long term thought :(
