How long have you got...... So many stealth taxes..... can you remember when national insurance used to be a fixed sum every week or month. It was for most people quite a small sum of money until Nigel Lawson changed it to a percentage...... a very small percentage at the time so it didn't make much difference, but it slowly increased bit by bit and the increases were usually announced (very quietly) at the same time as a headline grabbing cut in the basic rate of tax. Maggie and the tory press of the day always concentrated on the headline tax rate, but by the time she left office the total tax take was actually slightly higher than when she was first elected.
Our utility bills are also much higher than they should be because of privitisations which benefited only those who had enough disposable income to make a killing on the shares.
I could go on, but I'd be here all day. Suffice to say, she and her cohorts, Keith Joseph, Nicholas Ridley and the like were idealogs and idealogs can really only serve likeminded people, they stick to their ideology come what may...... our people (meaning true blue tory voters) was something Maggie often said when discussing policy. If you weren't one of Maggie's people then you were completely out of luck during her time in office.