Well Iain, whoever gets into power is bound to alienate a section of population.
Funny how Gordon Brown said this week he identifies with middle class voters, and Mandleson saying labour are the "Underdogs" and they should expose the Tories for what they are? You what???Labour is a fraud. Seems these guys will say anything and some people actually believe the rubbish they spout. Seems they have no ammo left and whats left are lies, spin and more lies. At least they can't blame the Tories this time.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but did a certain John Prescott say at the Labour Party conference in 1996 that if Labour came to power, they would re-nationalise the railways? Did they? NO! Seems all politicians lose their "ideals" as soon as they get into power, whether Labour or Tory.
At least Thatcher stuck to her guns.
Somehow, too much democracy is a bad thing.