I'm so!!
Here at work now, taking my break after having a very bad start
Night at work. For sure u would hardly believe what I'm gonna share why I'm so! I've been working in this nursing home for 7 or 8 mons now. There are some things that are really not right like not enough no of staff, in some worst day We suffers from short staff! That we have to do the job of the missing carer. Others are not following some health and safety, the using of old manual hoist! And Some are deffective! But I could live with that, this is not a perfect world anyway but tonight is really terrible!! Imagine, this is happening since Sunday. I can't believe that they haven't done any actions upto today! As of now we only have 10pairs of gloves. Which was only given by one of the day staff. ( which is his own gloves came from his own pocket!) we are 3carers At night and we have 39 residents to be checked every 2 hrs it will include changing their pads and if they messed up of cors we need to clean it. Plus we still have to give hygiene to 4residents later in the morning! And we only have 10pairs of gloves! Well Just use ur imagination how wer gonna do that!