The New UK Border Force is on now, Sky 1 Channel 106.
The New UK Border Force is on now, Sky 1 Channel 106.
Border Farce would be more apt
But who is going to pay the cost of keeping them in custody for maybe up to a year? Should it be the tax payer or should it be paid for by the UKBA? I am sure there would be lots of unhappy people on here (though not me personally...) if they announced that they were doubling the price of visas to keep more illegal immigrants in custody.
Not all of it - the UKBA receives some funding from the visa fees. The jusification for the increased cost in visas in recent years has been to pay for the increased cost of securing the UK borders.
Admittedly some of the visas are paid for by the British spouse (a UK taxpayer..) so technically in some cases it is really a tax on marrying a non-EU citizen.
Common sense...Develop a fasttrack system to deport. Other EU countries manage it, while we pussy foot around the Human Rights act.
Keith - Administrator
I heard the guy on last nights program say that you can get an emergency travel document within 24 hours from the Nigerian embassy so I wouldn't be surprised if most embassies do the same. If the illegal imigrants knew the system had changed and they couldn't just work the system by claiming they hadn't any documents and they were likely to spend quite a while in a detention centre with the same end result (deportation), then I'm sure they'd would be queuing up to show their passports or apply for emergency travel documents once they had been caught.
I think there might be some initial extra expense until the problem was brought under control, but in the long run I think it would save millions of pounds and improve the job prospects of those who were born here or are legally entitled to be here.
You mean like France who just tend to release them as they know they are heading for the UK anyway?
There will be a lot of initial expenses - the UKBA would have to be prepared to lock up every illegal immigrant they catch that they couldn't prove the identity of until they admitted who they were. I agree with the idea, just can't see any of the mainstream parties implementing it.
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