An Aberdeenshire farmer developed a regular daily habit of [apparently] surveyingthe landscape adjacent to his remote steading. At least that's how it APPEARED to his closest neighbour - an office worker - who, being the only other user of the narrow country lane serving as an access road, drove past each morning and early evening at a sedate 10-15 mph on his way to and from work. And so, the driver could scarcely fail to notice the farmer standing there staring, motionlessly, at the distant horizon.
Driving home one summer's evening, the office worker, aroused by a sense of natural curiosity, steered his car slowly onto the grass verge at the roadside and drew to a halt. Alighting from the vehicle, he climbed over the wire fence bordering the field where the farmer stood.
Greeting the farmer as he approached,the young man explained the reason he'd come across to join him. "I'd just been wondering why you always seemed to be standing here in the same place every time I happened to be passing", he said. "Och", replied the farmer, "Ah'm hopin' tae qualify fur the Nobel Prize". "The Nobel Prize?"
the young man responded, a puzzled expression on his face. "Aye!", the farmer exclaimed, "Ah heard they wur gaen tae be awardin' the Nobel Prize tae them that're 'out/standing' in their field" ...