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Thread: Sarah Brown's "Speech" had me going for the sick bag

  1. #1
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    Angry Sarah Brown's "Speech" had me going for the sick bag

    "But I know he wakes up every morning and goes to bed every evening thinking about the things that matter.

    "I know he loves our country and he will always always put you first."

    Mrs Brown stole the show by speaking of her 'privilege' at being married to the Prime Minister.

    She went on to describe how she couldn't believe how someone "so intense and so intelligent could be so gentle.'

  2. #2
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    Not long now......9 months max.

  3. #3
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    Not long now......9 months max.
    Like waiting for the newborn baby Cameron to arrive
    Keith - Administrator

  4. #4
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Like waiting for the newborn baby Cameron to arrive
    like rosemarys baby?
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  5. #5
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    oh well!poliitics
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  6. #6
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    like rosemarys baby?
    It'll be a brother for you then
    Keith - Administrator

  7. #7
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    It'll be a brother for you then
    the lesser of 2 evils
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post

    "But I know he wakes up every morning and goes to bed every evening thinking about the things that matter.

    "I know he loves our country and he will always always put you first."

    Mrs Brown stole the show by speaking of her 'privilege' at being married to the Prime Minister.

    She went on to describe how she couldn't believe how someone "so intense and so intelligent could be so gentle.'

    To pinch a phrase... almost!!.. "One bullet, one politician...


  9. #9
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    When the tories have been in power for about two years and the effects of their spending cuts have really kicked in, you'll all wish you'd stuck with the labour party..... even with the charismatically challenged Mr Brown. I don't think that anyone who intends to vote for Cameron and is looking forward to a tory government knows what they are really in for.

    The tories won't cut back spending just enough to bring borrowing down to a manageable level and then eliminate it over a period of a few years, their instincs, their true philosophy is the same as that of the American right wing who believe in "small government", and the smaller the better. Cutting public spending and cutting taxes has always been at the top of the tory list of priorities, even when public finances were in a much better shape than they are these days and I believe if they are returned to power at this particular time and especially if the electorate give them a huge majority, they will use the present financial crisis as an excuse to make unprecedentedly savage cuts to many things we take for granted and hold dear in this country.

    They will probably start off by identifying what can be sold off on the cheap like they did with their privatisations in the 80s and 90s. I do think that the tories will win a landslide victory when the election comes and if I'm right and they do, as a result of that, in 10 years time, if your rich you'll be much richer, if your poor, you'll be even poorer and with far less social benefits than today.


  10. #10
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post

    "But I know he wakes up every morning and goes to bed every evening thinking about the things that matter.

    "I know he loves our country and he will always always put you first."

    Mrs Brown stole the show by speaking of her 'privilege' at being married to the Prime Minister.

    She went on to describe how she couldn't believe how someone "so intense and so intelligent could be so gentle.'
    Easy to point the finger, and jump in to hate with the media about what they do wrong. That speech was just a woman proud of her man. Between the 2 of them, I would think she is speaking on a personal note. Whatever policies, and failings you think of him, she is just speaking from her heart. They did go through the pain of loosing a child Jennifer. I am sure that has affected them.
    It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum.

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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    When the tories have been in power for about two years and the effects of their spending cuts have really kicked in, you'll all wish you'd stuck with the labour party..... even with the charismatically challenged Mr Brown. I don't think that anyone who intends to vote for Cameron and is looking forward to a tory government knows what they are really in for.

    The tories won't cut back spending just enough to bring borrowing down to a manageable level and then eliminate it over a period of a few years, their instincs, their true philosophy is the same as that of the American right wing who believe in "small government", and the smaller the better. Cutting public spending and cutting taxes has always been at the top of the tory list of priorities, even when public finances were in a much better shape than they are these days and I believe if they are returned to power at this particular time and especially if the electorate give them a huge majority, they will use the present financial crisis as an excuse to make unprecedentedly savage cuts to many things we take for granted and hold dear in this country.

    They will probably start off by identifying what can be sold off on the cheap like they did with their privatisations in the 80s and 90s. I do think that the tories will win a landslide victory when the election comes and if I'm right and they do, as a result of that, in 10 years time, if your rich you'll be much richer, if your poor, you'll be even poorer and with far less social benefits than today.

    Tripe ! who is responsible for the present round of Boom & Bust and mismanagement of the economy for the last 12 years - step forward Bottler Brown ?

    Will you start the ball rolling with a list of what can be "sold off on the cheap" - after he flogged off the gold reserves there's nothing left.

    Come to think of it the UK Border Agency might be worth a few quid if privatised and they would be kept busy for decades if the new Government has the balls to sling out the dross Labour has allowed to enter and remain illegally.

  12. #12
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Will you start the ball rolling with a list of what can be "sold off on the cheap" - after he flogged off the gold reserves there's nothing left.
    Gold is no longer used by countries to back up its currency, it is either money in the bank, or in the case of the West the currency is supported by bonds to secure our debt, of which the najority is owned by China and the Middle East
    Keith - Administrator

  13. #13
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Tripe ! who is responsible for the present round of Boom & Bust and mismanagement of the economy for the last 12 years - step forward Bottler Brown ?

    Will you start the ball rolling with a list of what can be "sold off on the cheap" - after he flogged off the gold reserves there's nothing left.

    Come to think of it the UK Border Agency might be worth a few quid if privatised and they would be kept busy for decades if the new Government has the balls to sling out the dross Labour has allowed to enter and remain illegally.
    I'm not at all impressed by Gordon Brown's performance as front man for the UK in general, but apart from severely mis-judging the public mood on several occasions and having to backtrack on decisions he made and stuck to for far too long, most of what he has done has been right, especially with regard to the current economic crisis which was caused the banks making risky (mostly on sub-prime motgages in the US) investments. The rest of europe and the Americans followed where he led and if you watched the program "The Love Of Money" on the BBC recently you would have had that explained to you.

    As for your obvious preference for the tory party, I can only say that you must have been either living abroad or on a parallel universe to the rest of us during the 80's and 90s when the tories were last in power. If I'm mistaken and you were actually here in the UK during that time, then I think you either have a very short memory or are suffering from selective amnesia.


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    Personally, I'd love the liberals to sneak in. Not that I'm a liberal democrat, but it would be a nice change. But they will probably be sitting in the sidelines for a long time yet!

    Brown, I have many issues with. His rise to power was simply Machiavellian! Back room deals to get rid of Tony Blair, because the current Labour hierarchy are too busy trying to line their own pockets with cushy perks than to actually give a damn about the electorate! So they got rid of the one person that brought them the perks in the first place to protect their own hides.

    As for Cameron, I think he is going to gut the public services like Iain says. However, it might just be the one thing we need right now and I hate to say that as I really am not a tory supporter (and they still haven't said sorry for Maggie). Plus, George Osborne will probably turn out worse than our worst fears as chancellor. But at least he might keep us entertained with newspaper stories of drugs and prostitutes.. However, David Davis is a Tory I do admire. His stand to force a debate on the erosion of civil liberties raised my opinion of him beyond today's crop of trough groveling MPs!

    Or maybe we could all get lucky and see a parliament without a majority, forcing a coalition of some sort!

  15. #15
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Vote BNP.....We need a bit of color in politics!
    Keith - Administrator

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post

    "But I know he wakes up every morning and goes to bed every evening thinking about the things that matter.

    "I know he loves our country and he will always always put you first."

    Mrs Brown stole the show by speaking of her 'privilege' at being married to the Prime Minister.

    She went on to describe how she couldn't believe how someone "so intense and so intelligent could be so gentle.'
    Even Gordon looked a little bit queezy...


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