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When the tories have been in power for about two years and the effects of their spending cuts have really kicked in, you'll all wish you'd stuck with the labour party..... even with the charismatically challenged Mr Brown. I don't think that anyone who intends to vote for Cameron and is looking forward to a tory government knows what they are really in for.
The tories won't cut back spending just enough to bring borrowing down to a manageable level and then eliminate it over a period of a few years, their instincs, their true philosophy is the same as that of the American right wing who believe in "small government", and the smaller the better. Cutting public spending and cutting taxes has always been at the top of the tory list of priorities, even when public finances were in a much better shape than they are these days and I believe if they are returned to power at this particular time and especially if the electorate give them a huge majority, they will use the present financial crisis as an excuse to make unprecedentedly savage cuts to many things we take for granted and hold dear in this country.
They will probably start off by identifying what can be sold off on the cheap like they did with their privatisations in the 80s and 90s. I do think that the tories will win a landslide victory when the election comes and if I'm right and they do, as a result of that, in 10 years time, if your rich you'll be much richer, if your poor, you'll be even poorer and with far less social benefits than today.