Quote Originally Posted by Queenbee View Post
very well said ms sohphie dear,i agree!im 27 and the love of my life is 29,thats just perfect for me..In ma case,if im 27 and IF im with a 50 year old guy,i think it doesnt work for me..My father is 53....just doesnt work..and THATS just MA OPINION...But to some women they may get attracted to older men like 20 plus years...Thats their own choice and they may be happy about it or not,,Ill JUST MIND MY OwN BUSINESS..
until you ''have been there'' it's impossible to form any sort of opinion. My beautiful piny wife is the same age as my kid's. I can assure anyone I don't look at my wife in the same ''light'' as my kid's and my kid's don't treat or look upon my wife as there sister, same goes for the rest of my family. As far as we are concerned the age difference is not an issue.

I'm a lucky boy in that I have genes that age me slowly, as with all my family, my pumpkins can vouch for that.
I too have seen the total miss matches at the airports and in the malls, yes, I agree, you do wonder about the physical attraction she or evn he have for each other.
I also agree not all these relationships are born out of love but, the same goes for every sort of relationship, not just us Phil/UK.
If I or the rest of us didn't really Love our wife's Husband's Girlfriends and Boyfriends, do you think we would be on here ''banging our drums''?
All of us have different ideas on what Love really means to us, all I know is pumpkins and I both know what is in our heads when we look deep into each others eyes and says ''I love you.