I dont give a damn with age gap as I know deep in my heart I have not hurt anyone by loving my other half with or without the age gap matter its just happens (full stop) and I haven`t had this I may call a perfect relationship turning 3 years of marriage that still feels like the first day we met.so if others got a problem then that`s your blumin problem not OURS!!!
to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...
My wife is almost 28 years younger than myself, but neither my wife nor I have ever felt, or have been made to feel, by anyone, that our relationship is unacceptable, socially or otherwise. Maybe there are those who say things behind our backs, but everyone who actually knows us and this includes both my close and extended family and friends, those who's opinions we would care about just accept us as a happily married couple.
as longer as your wife is younger thats all that matters
means when you retire, your misses will still be working![]()
AGE has nothing to with the HEART, That's why when I traveled to some part of Philippines and noticed YOUNG Pinays with older man, I absolutely understand.
i live my life with a guiding principle which include ' i mind my own business'...
wether i see an old grumpy with a cheeky young lady besides him or hunk young lad who's holding hand with a freaky granny looks!....who care's!
It's none of my business!
Keep moving on...
Your view, and following UK law.
A 16yo going with a 70yo is pefectly legal, a 15yo & 11mth going with a 70yo is illegal in the UK, and 1 month makes you a pedo!!!
As far as I'm aware, relationships do not stop education! As for old enough to make decisions, I'm pretty sure Gordon Brown is well and truly old enough to make all the wrong decisions by himself. I bet a 14yo would have run the country better!
Keith - Administrator
It's a delicate subject, I've mentioned my opinions before. But I completely agree that the decision is made by the people involved and if they are happy, what more can you ask for.
In some of the circumstances the relationship would be very much needs driven, but that can work out well. Beautiful Young Lady and a relatively wealthy older man would work fine, and the older he is the sooner he dies lol (only joking!)
I don't believe that you can have a successfull marriage based solely on love, but also I don't think you can have one based purely on needs and practicalities. A mix of both will work.
Still wonder whether you can combine conversations about Bus Passes with going clubbing... But then bedtime will always be fun... I believe the artificial hips are quite good now!
Enjoy life people, you only live once.
until you ''have been there'' it's impossible to form any sort of opinion. My beautiful piny wife is the same age as my kid's. I can assure anyone I don't look at my wife in the same ''light'' as my kid's and my kid's don't treat or look upon my wife as there sister, same goes for the rest of my family. As far as we are concerned the age difference is not an issue.
I'm a lucky boy in that I have genes that age me slowly, as with all my family, my pumpkins can vouch for that.
I too have seen the total miss matches at the airports and in the malls, yes, I agree, you do wonder about the physical attraction she or evn he have for each other.
I also agree not all these relationships are born out of love but, the same goes for every sort of relationship, not just us Phil/UK.
If I or the rest of us didn't really Love our wife's Husband's Girlfriends and Boyfriends, do you think we would be on here ''banging our drums''?
All of us have different ideas on what Love really means to us, all I know is pumpkins and I both know what is in our heads when we look deep into each others eyes and says ''I love you.![]()
AGE does'nt matter
as long * you are both happy
* you both love each other
* your conscience is clear:cwm35:
as long you dont aggrevate others then it wont cause any problem...
i dont give awhat people say
it just too many narrow minded people in this world
has no qualification
i dnt mean to hurt anyone and i think everybody is entitled to their opinion...I totally agree Age doesnt matter and love doesnt really chose whom u would love...and as long as you're both happy.congrats on that.
I don't give aas well what people think about me and my man.I still believe in old fashion love...You kno the kind of love where u bumped into each other unexpectedly then yah heart skips a beat,and for a moment in time yah life just kinda freezes and rather than going out of your way purposely searching for it on the internet chosing a typical culture, race and age like something from a catalouge of women...I also think LOVE isnt enough for a succesfull relationship even marriage..i didn't mean to pinpoint anyone here but for me old men dating young women with an age gap of 20 or 25 years of more in my book...thats a pervert...its seriously wrong...
i clearly said that that's their own business...its my own opinion and clearly have the right to say that as much as everyone here....it's not being narrow minded..
I have a lot of strong opinions on the matter. I don't really want to say all that I feel, as it would not be my place. There are only 5 years separation between my age and my wife's (she's younger by 5 years).
I would say this though:
One of my neighbours is an Aussie who's pushing 70 and he's married to a little 22 year old.
If they have kids, she'll be a single mother before she hits 30 and the kid will be deprived a father. OR, they will have no kids and the wife will be young enough to start a family from 30 years old, and she'll have all the inheritance from the Aussie guy. The aussie understands this.
In some ways it's like a business relationship, in that she offers him a hot young wife and he offers her a way out of poverty for her and her family.
In my relationship, my wife knew before we got married (long before) that I'm not wealthy, and I'm working class etc. She had her choice of guys including very wealthy and moderately wealthy guys. She was not impressed.
Look, marry for love. Think of the consequences if you're gonna procreate, other than that people like me with my opinion should just butt out.
So in closing, I'd like to say: ...
if you didn't like what I just said, please ignore my words and enjoy your life, just be happy![]()
hi queenbee sorry if i have offended you, i was'nt referring my message to you, i actually respect your opinion..
regarding about my message , i was just agreeing of what pennyberry said..and i just added a little bit..
and also when i was replying i did'nt think of any person who i am going to disagree with..i was just also stating my opinion and just saying what is on my mind..
and about the narrow minded thing "bato-bato sa langit ,ang tamaan wag magalit poh"
please pumpkins what does that tagalog expression mean in english?
in my experience of life so far, I have found the opinion on all manner of things can change.
When I was in my twenties, I too was very opinionated yet, I knew nothing of what life can throw at you.
In your twenties, life seems very straight forward, it is when all goes to plan. The tests come when the wheels start falling off, I can assure you, they do.
If the woman is sitting on your face you can't tell how old she is anyway![]()
Keith - Administrator
Indeed, you are absolutely right. However you must take into account that this forum probably has a disproportionate number of inter-generational marriages, and age chasm relationships.
Therefore the opinions expressed thereon will be skewed.
As I have mentioned in my previous posts on this subject, that this is my opinion only, and all others have equal weight.
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