i have a lot of strong opinions on the matter. I don't really want to say all that i feel, as it would not be my place. There are only 5 years separation between my age and my wife's (she's younger by 5 years).
I would say this though:
One of my neighbours is an aussie who's pushing 70 and he's married to a little 22 year old.
If they have kids, she'll be a single mother before she hits 30 and the kid will be deprived a father. Or, they will have no kids and the wife will be young enough to start a family from 30 years old, and she'll have all the inheritance from the aussie guy. The aussie understands this.
In some ways it's like a business relationship, in that she offers him a hot young wife and he offers her a way out of poverty for her and her family.
In my relationship, my wife knew before we got married (long before) that i'm not wealthy, and i'm working class etc. She had her choice of guys including very wealthy and moderately wealthy guys. She was not impressed.
Look, marry for love. Think of the consequences if you're gonna procreate, other than that people like me with my opinion should just butt out.
So in closing, i'd like to say: ...
if you didn't like what i just said, please ignore my words and enjoy your life, just be happy