Quote Originally Posted by JimOttley View Post
Right now under the right circumstances it might well be "Kerching...."

On the other hand if he were an over 50's bum like me, I might wonder if she had lost the plot

My 23 year old daughter has just finished Uni, has her whole life ahead of her and I respect her opinions and her choices in life, she has made very good ones so far, I will always give her advice but I will not seek to control her choices in life!

As we both know jim,some pinoy fathers(note,I said some)reactions would indeed be "Kerching" its more socially acceptable over there,thats just how it is,and part of that root-cause is poverty,anyone can dress it up in fancy-clothes but poverty causes people to do things out of character,someone once asked me "Do you think its every young pinay girls dream to marry a middle-aged westerner"?It was a pinay who asked the question,it was rhetorical