Just a little observation of real life outside of an internet forum.
I've just spent a couple of hours on one of my preferred pastimes, which is catching up on the news, reading my New Scientist magazine in the pub, while having a couple of beers. I would not be such a sad old git if my partner and kids were here in the UK but they will get here eventually
My point is that after "x" number of beers I sometimes get into observation mode or people watching mode and tonight that was quite interesting in the pub.
Lots of young folk lots of old folk were in but there was one old lad that caught my attention, 65 or older, suit, bit overweight, hair mostly gone, more chins than you could count, standing at the bar talking to his mates and listening to the disco that was on tonight.
Anyway on comes a song, it's "I've got a feeling" (probably not the correct title) by the Black Eyed Peas this old guy was singing every word and dancing at the bar while he drank his Bacardi and coke, he was seriously into this song really got moving and it was clearly because it got into his soul not just because it's a trendy song.
Inside his head this guy does not feel like a 65 year old, he's just a guy! With all the pain, sorrow, regrets and loneliness that any of us can feel at any stage in our lives!
Yeah he looked like he was a few steps from the grave but that foot tappin head boppin old guy was seriously enjoying that song, just as all the other younger folk in the pub were.
Point is the container might be decrepit but what does it matter if the person proves themselves to others by who and what they are and how they treat the people around them.
Anyone who gets into any relationship at any age should be judged on who they are in their heart and soul not on their appearance!