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Thread: applying for uk passport for my son!

  1. #1
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    applying for uk passport for my son!

    hi everybody,hope you are ok!ive booked my flight to manila for 25dec,to see my girlfriend and son!i want to apply for a british passport, at the embassy in manila for my son!what documentation,will i need to bring with me? i have a new passport,my girlfriend has a passport,birth certificate!and my son has his birth certificate,will i need to bring anything else apart from a couple of passport photos of my son!he has just turned 1 by the way!

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by bert72 View Post
    hi everybody,hope you are ok!ive booked my flight to manila for 25dec,to see my girlfriend and son!i want to apply for a british passport, at the embassy in manila for my son!what documentation,will i need to bring with me? i have a new passport,my girlfriend has a passport,birth certificate!and my son has his birth certificate,will i need to bring anything else apart from a couple of passport photos of my son!he has just turned 1 by the way!
    mm,was it something i said?

  3. #3
    Respected Member rusty's Avatar
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  4. #4
    Respected Member ron's Avatar
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    hI THERE we just applied for our sons uk passport from the embassy in manila. I think rusty as summed it up and the info is there. It will take about 20 days to receive. Its very difficult to give you advice as each application is different and depends on year of birth etc. Good luck


  5. #5
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    thankyou rusty and ron! i tried to download the link but no joy. im getting worried because i fly out in december,i cant afford to forget something,any advice would be helpful! maybe if i take my old passport my new passport a utility bill with my name and address on it! my sons birth certificate,and my girlfriends birth certificate?

  6. #6
    Respected Member rusty's Avatar
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    As we have said, the documents required depend on different circumstances.

    This is part of the link and I hope this covers your situation

    A. For applicants born ON/AFTER 1ST JULY 2006 to parents who are married/unmarried where the British citizen father is named on the local birth certificate within a year of the child’s birth, and the mother is NOT married to someone else.

    B. For applicants born BEFORE 1ST July 2006, to married parents, where the British citizen father is named on the local birth certificate within a year of the child’s birth, and the mother is NOT married to someone else.

    (Please present ORIGINAL documents and photocopies of each document)

    ü Birth Certificate on NSO (National Statistics Office) Security paper
    ü Parents’ birth certificates
    British parent: submit full/long UK birth certificate or Birth Registration/Naturalisation certificate
    Philippine born parent: submit NSO birth certificate
    ü If applicable, parents’ marriage certificate – submit NSO marriage certificate if married in the Philippines and evidence of termination of any previous marriage (divorce decree nisi, annulment)
    ü Submit CENOMAR (Certificate of No Marriage Record) for Philippine citizen parent if not married to the British parent of the applicant
    ü If parents are not married, mother’s written consent to the issuance of a passport to her child
    ü If applicable, father’s/mother’s death certificate
    ü If applicable, birth certificates of all other brothers and sisters (applicant’s siblings)
    ü Both parents’ passports from around the time of applicant’s conception and birth
    ü Home Office documents for Philippine nationals who have become British Citizens
    ü Current or previous passports held by applicant
    ü Mother’s antenatal/postnatal/delivery notes, scans and ultrasounds from hospital (from hospital in the UK and in the Philippines), photos of mother pregnant. If unable to obtain original records, please submit copies, which have been attested by the hospital


    ü Depending on the age of the applicant we may also ask for school records, local photo identity documents, photographs of the applicant growing up, parents' UK documents

    Useful Contacts:

    (For Philippine Birth, Marriage & other civil registry document)
    National Statistics Office
    Civil Registration Department, Vibal Building, EDSA
    Quezon City 1104
    Hotline: +632 737 1111
    Website: / Email:

    (For enquiries about UK birth, death, marriage and civil partnership)

    Consular Directorate
    Foreign and Commonwealth Office
    Room G38, Old Admiralty Building
    London SW1A 2PA
    Tel: +0044 207 008 0186 / Email:

    (Requests for duplicate of naturalisation certificate)
    Nationality Enquiries Team
    Immigration and Nationality Directorate
    Home Office, PO Box 306
    L69 2UX

  7. #7
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    thankyou rusty,sorry to be a pain!i havent got a birth certificate!so ill have to send off for a copy!asap,thankyou for your last post!

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