Quote Originally Posted by SteveL View Post
Hello everyone!
I’m a regular reader of this forum, but haven’t contributed much so I thought I’d change that by relating our recent experience applying for a visa for my fiancé, Rebella to come to the UK.
We both attended the visa application centre in Manila on 14th September to apply for a fiancé visa (well, I stood outside as I wasn’t allowed in) and the first surprise came when, after explaining our circumstances (Belle’s coming to stay for between 3 to 6 months but we won’t be getting married here, we will be returning to Dipolog next year to marry in front of several thousand members of her family hehehe) we were advised not to apply for a settlement visa as it was a waste of our money but to apply for a tourist visa instead (£67.00 compared to £585.00). After a long and calm consultation process between us later in the hotel (by this I mean she told me we were not wasting money so I’d better agree or she’d feed me balot) we agreed to “chance” the advice given.
So, armed with a new application form Rebella re attended last Thursday (she had to go back home to get her bank statement which she had forgot.....doh) and flew back to Dipolog Friday.
After a couple of anxious nights not being able to get hold of her (I was worried she had got caught up in the typhoon) we finally spoke Tuesday this week to find the passport complete with 6 month visa had arrived that day!!!
Total time from application to receipt, 2 working days!!!! Beat that I say hehe.
Belle arrives in Manchester on 21st October , so we will have our first Christmas together in Manchester. Hat’s off to the home office !
happy christmas to you both.