to sassy,
annulment in the philippines cost from P150,000 and up. The duration can take from 5months-3yrs depending on the circumstance. I had a friend who got the result of her annulment in 5months for a cost of P150,000.
in my opinion, i think it will be very hard to switch from visitor's visa into to leave to remain in uk for 2 yrs through Unmarried Partner because eventhough you had children, you have to prove that you are solidly leaving together for at least 2 years.
i myself is adamant in applying as an unmarried partner. My partner and I had a daughter, now 4 yrs old who is born in the UK. My partner is a british citizen. We had been living together for almost 3 yrs before i left voluntarily in the UK as i had overstayed. Our both names and addresses are in our daughter's birth, baptismal and other relevant documents. I have some letters, membership card coming on the address were we lived BUT BECAUSE i am an overstayer, my partner cannot put my name on the utility bills or rent agreement because they require a credit check in which i cannot have or even can get a joint bank account.
i am only citing this base on my experience, i hope you dont get me wrong in my opinion. lastly, there are a lot of very helpful people here in this forum like joeblogg and arthur little who had more knowledge and experience with regards to visa requirements.
if you wish to inquire regarding your partner's annulment, i can recommend a reputable solicitor that had helped my friend.
God luck to your application.