Quote Originally Posted by Ayjay View Post
Why is this just so predictable..!! It sound like that you can afford to buy your own ticket home, rather than be on the Embassy's distress list, and the British Chamber of Commerce membership having a whip around.

Time to gird up your loins, things in the UK are very tight in terms of employment.

Hopefully you will not return and sign on to benefits etc.. If you do then it will be us tax payers who will have effectively funded your sexually fuelled sojourn in the Philippines..

Do you really object to people having a good!! Who said this is what he was doing? did he? no I don't think so.
You object to the bigger age differences, now this.
For you know he could of been in the 40% tax bracket b4 he went out there and I'll have you know, most of us working class never claim any benefits and going by the amount of posts your making there is not much chance of gainful employment there.

Get off peoples back huh

Welcome to the forum Jim.