Boris Johnson appeared on Eastenders last week, however Ken claimed he ASKED producers on 2 occasions to appear on the show, but was turned down.Probably too ugly.......
Boris Johnson appeared on Eastenders last week, however Ken claimed he ASKED producers on 2 occasions to appear on the show, but was turned down.Probably too ugly.......
I like Boris Johson, nothing to do with politics, he is a colorful character, quick witted and sincerely caring.![]()
Says what he thinks before considering the consequences, and often puts his foot in it, I like folk like that, as they seldom hide the truth or spin.
Keith - Administrator
Why would anybody want to appear on that pathetic excuse for entertainment is beyond me. Is life really that depressing dan sath?
They could have had him on South Park. OMG they killed KENNY
It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum.
And why may that be...??
Even if I live in Wales, aren't a portion of my taxes used to prop up the rest of the country...???
Do you honestly think that only Londoners have the monopoly on London...??? Or Scousers on Liverpool, or Mancs on scumland...???
I was applauding Boris Johnson outside the political mumbo jumbo, but come to think of it he seems to be much better than ken, not only he talks good, but he acts on it. Like firing the top copper and some other hangers on.
London, and what happens in London concerns every tax payer in the country.
Indeed, those of us in Southern England resent propping up unsustainable provinces in the form of subsidies derived from our taxes.
However, I must disagree concerning suffering the opinions of provincials concerning the governance of the city of London in which I live. I for example would not presume to offer such opinions concerning the mayor of Swansea..
I don't know the Mayor of Swansea....
But I actually met Boris Johnson a few years back, when he was getting slated by the press about women.
And I thought he was genuine.
So I am a provincial.....
proud of it, too.
Good job that the vast majority of southerners aren't like you, would be rather costly deporting them out of Wales.![]()
Even if you find the bloke amusing, you've got to agree, he's a political lightweight and an upper class buffoon to boot. They used to say that everything that America does, we do 20 years later, but things seem to be moving a lot faster these days....... it was only 9 years ago that the Americans elected George Bush for the first time. At least you could have an interesting conversation with Ken Livingstone, even if you totally disagreed with his political views.
I think a lot of the bumbling is an act, having had over the years more than my fair share of Ken and Boris though the local media. I prefer Boris as someone to chat to as seems to have more conversation. I know people who have met him and Ken know who they prefer even if they prefer the others poltically viewpoint..
Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops
i was in london just last week and boy its such a big city,i cant believe after living in my province that such a world exist outside of it.
i live in the country and i even saw.....people talking to each other.
i have to admit most here in the sticks areand you wouldnt want them commenting about london and that...would you believe they told me some are complete
but you seem to smart to suggest others dont comments about london and make comments about anything you like
i have learnt to do what my wife says!
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