I will be flying out to Manila in Nov to see my BF and I am expecting to pay for everything. I know he will probably feel awkward but there is no way he can afford to pay for me, when he is on his 3 month break from the cruise ship he earns nothing for that time that he is home.
He keeps telling me to book a cheap hotel, but I don't stay in cheap hotels anywhere, so definately not in Manila.
Excuse me for point out. Isn't that a bit snobby. Sounds a bit like Cybil Fawlty. Why not live as he does, then see his family and his home.However humble. After all, he has to come 10,000 miles and live in yours, so why are you not prepared to do the same for him?
It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum.