hello pocahontas, it's normal to feel that way, i suppose all of us go through that phase in our transition
from single life to married life and from our life back home to our new life here in uk - 2 major changes at once,
so understandably, it can be hard specially at the beginning....
But my advice is not to dwell on the idea of how much you're missing out and how you miss the life you had back home....
You have to realize that this is your life now - here with your husband.....you have to set your mind on that.....
of course you're entitled to miss everything and everyone you left back home but at the end of the day, this is your home now
and the earlier you accept that, the easier for you to adjust and get used to your new life here with your hubby.....
And i agree with you, having some filipina friends around would be a comfort, it somewhat brings you closer to home, so to speak....
I wish you find filipina friends you can hang out and chat nearby