Hi everyone ive just been reading all the threads of those who just got there VISAS so quickly Congratualtions.
Today i was communicating with my wife Deanna in Davao. Assisting her in the application form. I tyhink there was some questions she didnt quite understand. It states when did the relationship start. Can this also mean online or when you actually meet.
Anyway Deanna will submit the appication on the 23rd October. We are both excited but nervous already. Only 2 more weeks and we will be there. Well my wife will be.
I just received the last 6th month bank statement for the ECO. I know in the next 2 weeks most of this savings will be long gone. We just hope that the ECO will not request the next months bank statement as i imagine it will be quite lowish.
Hope all you who are applying soon will be succesful . Good Luck