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Thread: How Much Should One Show in Current Account Statements To Be Enough?

  1. #1
    Respected Member New Shoes's Avatar
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    How Much Should One Show in Current Account Statements To Be Enough?

    Hi guys.

    Not wishing to hijack another thread I thought I'd post my question here.

    I'm aware that approximately £2000 is needed to show that one has enough money to support the fiancee.

    I get paid monthly. At the end of each month any spare money is transferred from my current account to my saving account. So my current account never shows £2000 in credit. My wage goes in at the beginning of the month and the ammount is gradually reduced with bills, living costs etc. until the next month and the cycle repeats itself.

    Most of my money is in ISAs, a saving bond and my savings account.

    Would having condiderably less than £2000 in a current account , but a lot more in other savings accounts be seen as being OK with regard to the any visa application?


  2. #2
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    i kept upto £5000 in my account for the 6 months,i dont see anything wrong in what your doing as long as you show all your saving....but why not keep another £1000 in the account for the 6 months?
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  3. #3
    Respected Member smiler78's Avatar
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    I understand it that as long as you have access to funds of £2000 + you should be fine, just make sure you let them see the statements of your current account showing your wages coming in each month and the transfer to your savings account, I would also show them statements of your savings showing the money going into that account each month. We got our fiancee visa just last week and it came within 7 days of applying which was amazing. I had also added a monthly budget plan which I knocked up quick on my computer showing my money going into the account and then listed all my main outgoings and money I transfer into my savings account and then I shown the figure that was left to support my fiancee each month.

    I think the main thing is to make it all clear to them and be honest, me personally from the 6 months of statements I submitted the first 3 were showing me in my overdraft sometimes going overdrawn as I was trying to sell a second property and things got really tight, I just made sure I added a covering letter explaining why my account was like that and explained that since selling the property everything is fine. Its normal to worry and I was really stressed about my early bank statements but we got our visa in 7 days so guess I did the right thing.

    Best of luck with your application

  4. #4
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by New Shoes View Post
    Hi guys.

    Not wishing to hijack another thread I thought I'd post my question here.

    I'm aware that approximately £2000 is needed to show that one has enough money to support the fiancee.

    I get paid monthly. At the end of each month any spare money is transferred from my current account to my saving account. So my current account never shows £2000 in credit. My wage goes in at the beginning of the month and the ammount is gradually reduced with bills, living costs etc. until the next month and the cycle repeats itself.

    Most of my money is in ISAs, a saving bond and my savings account.

    Would having condiderably less than £2000 in a current account , but a lot more in other savings accounts be seen as being OK with regard to the any visa application?

    If you show details of both accounts and as long as your monthly transfers into your savings account doesn't make your current account overdrawn it should be OK. If the ECO can see that you actually have a suplus of cash in your current account at the end of each month, money which is not spent but transferred into your savings account then there should be no problem with that.

  5. #5
    Respected Member New Shoes's Avatar
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    Thanks for the replies, most helpful. They make perfect sense.

    I think I should be OK regardiung finances. It was just a question in my mind with regard to needing to juggle money around accounts.

    Thanks again.

  6. #6
    Respected Member smiler78's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by New Shoes View Post
    Thanks for the replies, most helpful. They make perfect sense.

    I think I should be OK regardiung finances. It was just a question in my mind with regard to needing to juggle money around accounts.

    Thanks again.
    The main thing is that you have enough funds to support the both of you after you have paid all your major bills in your current account, Your savings are ok where they are as long as you make sure they have the statements and you have access to it.

    Good Luck.

  7. #7
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by New Shoes View Post
    Hi guys.

    I'm aware that approximately £2000 is needed to show that one has enough money to support the fiancee.
    That's about right!

    Quote Originally Posted by New Shoes View Post

    I get paid monthly. At the end of each month any spare money is transferred from my current account to my saving account. So my current account never shows £2000 in credit. My wage goes in at the beginning of the month and the ammount is gradually reduced with bills, living costs etc. until the next month and the cycle repeats itself.
    This is perfectly understandable ... and normal!

    Quote Originally Posted by New Shoes View Post
    Most of my money is in ISAs, a saving bond and my savings account.
    Excellent! You mention ISA(*S) (in the *plural) ... even better!

    Quote Originally Posted by New Shoes View Post
    Would having condiderably less than £2000 in a current account , but a lot more in other savings accounts be seen as being OK with regard to the any visa application?
    I can't see why NOT; remember - a current account is THERE to take care of your household bills and other day-to-day outgoings. And your savings accounts would certainly seem to be more than healthy enough.

  8. #8
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Thats why the cover letter is quite important to explain clearly and concisely all the details.

    Basically your just proving your Company ie you and your mahal will be self sufficent.

    So like many others I just made abasic spreadsheet show my outgoings and ingoings at present, i even showed what they would be when the Wife was in the Country. Ie Council tax at full rate, double the food spend, electric far higher etc. Showed all costs for moving over and settling in I looked at it as look I have thought about this and yes look I have far more than you are looking for as a bare minimum.

    Like others say and you do, no normal person leaves money in a current account just what they need and now particulary with internet banking and transfers in seconds every little bit of intrest can be gained.

    Just show you have more than enough funds which you can access easily and your be fine.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  9. #9
    Respected Member New Shoes's Avatar
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    Again, many thanks for the replies, including the advice regarding the covering letter.

    Cheers fellas!

  10. #10
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    I actually cut and pasted "somebody"s words, so I can have the wisdom available for use when it's my time

  11. #11
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Hubbard View Post
    I actually cut and pasted "somebody"s words, so I can have the wisdom available for use when it's my time
    wisdom coming from a southerner , yes he's so wise he forgot his password to login on this forum

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    wisdom coming from a southerner , yes he's so wise he forgot his password to login on this forum


    Southerners, "am i bovvered"?

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