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Thread: I would like some advice

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  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    I would like some advice

    Hi everyone here, I am posting here because I'm not sure what else I can do.
    I'm a student at university and I'm about halfway through my course... meaning I have roughly 2 years more to go.
    I met a lovely lady in the Phillipines when I was there on vacation. We have kepy in touch since then and we love each other and miss each other very very much.

    I just want to know what it's possible for me to do to help her come to the UK to live. Because we really want to be together and I can't really abandon my course... I also don't have much in the way of income currently because I'm studying full time and living off my student loan.

    I have seen this interesting page here:

    Which describes info on going about applying for UK entry clearance as a spouse or fiancee. I'm prepared to go through this process, what I'm unsure about is it pointless to start things off now, or would we have to wait until I'm out of uni and, all being well, in a successful job...

    I would appreciate any advice/feedback on this.

  2. #2
    Respected Member russ01539's Avatar
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    Hi MrKev.

    I am pleased to hear you found the woman of your dreams over in PI. I am not so pleased to advise you that you will not be able to qualify for your gf coming to UK on a spouse/fiance visa until you have a steady job, money in your bank account, and proof of a solid relationship.

    Dont despair though, cos if you love this girl enough and she feels the same way there is definately light for you both at the end of the tunnel.

    I would advise that you spend the next 2 years of your studies building up evidence of your relationship. ie Instant Messages, e-mails etc, and try to get yourself back over to PI at least one more time, where you can spend more time with your girl and her family, and really decide if this is for both of you or not. Then (hopefully) you will land a good job and quickly either get yourself out of debt, or more unusually for students get some savings behind you, cos u will find this road long and expensive - but ultimately worth every penny.

    When you are at the stage of having solid employment for at least 6 months, and or a contract of permanent employment you will be in the position to get your girl here.

    The stumbling block you have is that you have to prove you can support your wife/gf 'without recourse to public funds' (ie. benefits), that includes you too, for a period no shorter than 2 years, and then if you are succesful you will have to do it all over again 6 months after her arrival here in UK.

    So good luck mate. If there is any consolation it took two years for me to develop a strong relationship with my wife, then get her here and marry her, so dont rush for now - just enjoy what you have and build on it.

  3. #3
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Thanks russ for a quick reply. It is along the lines of what I was expecting.

    There are no real problems in the building the proof of relationship we are in contact most of the time in some way or other, IM, letters/cards, email, SMS, and the occasional phone call.

    Well I guess I just have to try and save to go back over to PI then, and try and build up savings in general. Which is what I was intending, or rather, trying to do already.

    Well thanks again, it's not the reply I wanted to here... but it's also the reply I was expecting, so I was already braced for the bad news.

    If anyone has any other advice for me, as what I can do in the meantime, then I'd love to here it

  4. #4
    Respected Member russ01539's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrKev View Post
    If anyone has any other advice for me, as what I can do in the meantime, then I'd love to here it

    Try using Kleenex.

  5. #5
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    Welcome MRkev..

    Keep posted and keep reading the site
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  6. #6
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Have you tried professional gambling?
    Keith - Administrator

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