Hello sadly confuse

I'm sorry for how you are feeling right now. Reading your post, you reiterated that your husband is a good man in general....
But you have problems with other issues (allowance, doing together things of your choice and not always his, etc.)
My take on this is to talk to your husband nicely and calmly about things that bothers you or things you hope for and expect from him and from your marriage,
at thesame time, i suggest you also ask him what he wants, what he hopes for and what his expectations are on you and on your marriage....
Remember there's 2 of you in this marriage, its not just about you, its about him too....
open communication and willingness to compromise is always the best way to go....
One more thing, looks to me, from your post, he seems to be a good provider as well, since you can go out on pubs and disco from time to time
and you got a house he needs to pay for as well, and don't worry about the house on his name alone....
Remember you're married, so whatever's his is yours too, lol, it's conjugal...
its best if you try to appreciate him more for the good qualities he got as a husband....
instead of focusing on the things he lack and his shortcomings and what he doesn't do for you....
He works hard for both of you and sometimes it would be nice to give him some consolation of being appreciated for his efforts....
Men want nothing more than a supportive wife and we ought to bring out the best in our husbands and we have the power to do that as women
I know marriage is give and take, but mostly give.....you have to think more of what you can do for your husband....
trust me, he will reciprocate coz i believe relationships are like mirrors....
And as for being financially independent, maybe it would be good to get a job, that way you get yourself preoccupied
and make something of yourself than just depending on your husband for money.....
Financial dependence can sometimes make us wives so insecure and inferior about ourselves....
And also,
there's no such thing as a perfect husband and neither are we perfect wives anyway.....
Marriage is about love and conflict.....as there's no such thing as a perfect marriage nor a perfect relationship,
disagreements can be good once in a while.....as it allows you to understand and know each other more and practice tolerance for each other...
its a chance for both of you to prove your love and live up to the vows you made for each other on your wedding day - for better or for worse...
its an opportunity to grow together as a couple....so enjoy your marriage - in good times and in bad