Hi mick, i think the best thing you can do is be more understanding and have more patience.....which i know you are already doing,
as she will have some moments of depression from time to time or may get in some moods at times........
But you don't need to do so much really, its enough that she feels you empathize with her
and she knows you understand exactly what she feels and what she's going through.....
Its a normal phase every filipinas go through i suppose, it's a major transition,
adjusting from single to married life and in particular adjusting from life back home to new life here.....2 major changes at once.....
And people have different ways of coping and adjusting to change, some can do it quite faster and easier while some struggle a bit harder.....
What's important is to be supportive to her all the way until she gets adjusted well being here and being apart from her family back home......

And maybe you can let her join the forum, she will enjoy it here specially with many filipinas around to talk to and have fun with....